Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have been really busy with school and all of the fun stuff that comes with that. I have a music project, a drama performance, a flash fiction story and an in class essay all next week.
I have also been reading the books "Empire of Scrounge" and "The Art of Giving". One interesting thing I learned from "The Art of Giving" was that of the 306 billion dollars worth of donations to not for profits in the year of 2007, 74.8% of that money was donated by individuals making under 100,000 dollars per year. That really stuck out to me. Another thing that stuck out to me was the idea that there are over 17000 not for profit companies out there and Americans have a fervid volunteer spirit because Americans want to have more power than the government to transform society.
I also am getting a toaster oven for $10 so that when I live in my car I will be able to cook meals and have awesome food. I am also in the process of getting a smart phone so that I will be able to accept credit cards with it. I am going to get a peddlers license soon so that I can sell my products on the streets of Chicago and get more knowledge about my business and money so that I will be able to live in my car starting this summer and going through next year. I have made over 500 dollars with my business so far after a year of being open and I am about to invest that money into things that will be able to expand my business and get me more money, hopefully it will be enough to get me a Ford Transit Connect so that I will be able to give away free hugs all over the country while living in it.
That is about it for now. I'll keep you updated with any other interesting things. Until then, HUGS!
:D avid

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