Thursday, November 3, 2011


For the past week or so I have been traveling around the grand state of Kansas. I am really enjoying Kansas. I have been to Kansas City, Wichita, Clay Center and now I am in Great Bend. The people and connections that I have made on the road have been really cool. I met a couple that goes to Central Christian Church in Wichita and through that I got to play soccer and meet up with other young adults from that church. Like LaSalle Street Church, Central Christian Church is non-denominational so I felt pretty comfortable there. It has a lot more space and stuff but it's a pretty cool place. I also have been lugging my duct tape supplies to different restaurants and setting up shop creating duct tape things. This has allowed me to talk to others about what I am doing and my plans. It has also been really cool to have everything organized enough to do that. I have also been spending more time reading and trying to work on documenting more of my trip through video and writing. It's going pretty slow but hopefully it will pick up pretty soon. With all of this freedom my imagination is running wild and I love it. Time to make some duct tape creations at McDonalds! Until next time, this is David signing off.