Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free Hugging In my Duct Tape Tux

Today I free hugged in my Duct Tape Tux that I wore for prom.  I was pretty good for the first 10 minutes maybe and then I went and picked up my 200 brochures that I had gotten printed at FedEx but I didn't have room in my duct tape free hugs bag to put all of the brochures in it so it was hard for me to walk around and give away hugs.  I walked around and tried hugging for another 30 minutes for a grand total of 40 minutes in the duct tape tux in 94 degree heat.  I then stopped at a Starbucks and switched clothes for the train ride home.  I came to the conclusion that I need to plan out a time that is more likely sometime in the fallish where the weather isn't as hot to free hug in my tux.  In the summer I will stick with my pink skinny jeans, free hugs t-shirt and duct tape tie.  :D Or it could be sometime in summer.... just not when its this hot...Overall I got a total of 10 hugs in 40 minutes, and met about 10 people so it wasn't a bad outing it was definately a success but I need to do some work on my tux and maybe improve it or work on another tux design.  I'll let you know what happens with that when it happens.  Have a hug filled day! Till next time,

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