Saturday, July 2, 2011

Free Hugging 7/1/2011

I went free hugging with my friend Ethan yesterday. We went to the Taste of Chicago and walked around Michigan Ave. and Millennium Park. Over the whole day we gave away 120 hugs!! I know this thanks to my awesome and amazing free hugs counter. :D
I also had a new twist while giving away hugs yesterday (other than the fact that I had a friend with me hugging), I had made Professional Free Hugger business cards therefore making me more of a professional! It was really cool to be able to say "Hey look I have a business card that says I am a professional free hugger so I am legit and professional" more or less, but not in those exact words. I found it a good way to introduce people into the idea of free hugging and the vision that I have and why I give them away. On the side of the left side of the business card is a quote in cyan from Leo Buscaglia which reads "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around" I hope that this card will allow people to look beyond just the hug and think about the reasons behind offering free hugs. You can not receive a hug without giving a hug so as much as the other person needs a hug, I need their hug to. I am grateful for every hug I receive and I hope that every one that I hug is grateful for the hug that they receive from me.

While I was free hugging I met a family to whom I gave everyone hugs and handed out my Free Hugger business card and they loved it and one of the children, about 9 or 10 said "Your a good person, Thank you!" and everyone was happy. Another member of the family told me that I had really brightened their day. It's for those moments that I give away free hugs. Thank you for brightening MY day by complimenting me. It all goes back to Leo Buscaglia's quote.... What can I say... It's a good quote. :D

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