Friday, July 22, 2011

OOOHhh YEahh.

So today I mailed a couple of packages to some people that bought some stuff on ebay from me and then I went downtown to go Free Hugging with my amazing friend Morgan! While free hugging with Morgan we got a total of 65 hugs in 2 hours!! 40 of those hugs we got in the first 20 minutes because we ran into a group of Vlogers from youtube and the Nerd Fighters I think they were called from the Vlog Brothers. It was amazingly cool to be around a group of amazing people that were so open to the act of hugging! I got to give them all my awesome Professional Free Hugger Business cards! (Which I just realized... don't actually have my email address on them... I should put that on in future cards because I told a bunch of people to email me and stuff so all I can hope for is that they come to this blog and read this post where they will learn that they can email me at or leave comments and stuff so we can get in touch because those people were awesome!!) Sooo yeah. After free hugging I went to see a few of my friends Olivia, Hannah, and Alaina sing at our church. It was really amazing awesome fun! Total over the day I met tons of awesome cool people and hope to get to know them more!!
In other news, I sent in my Month at the Museum application a couple days ago, and I think I made a pretty good application so wish me the best! :D I also am selling my duct tape items on ebay and to get money for my gap year road trip! Thanks for all your support and Have a great Night! (or day if your reading this in the day time) :D
Lots of Hugs! <3 David


  1. Hey Dave! I was one of the people you met and hugged at the Nerdfighter gathering. You're such a kind and friendly person. :)I just saw the business card you handed to me sitting on my desk and decided to check out your blog. I'm uploading a video from the meet up on my youtube channel and I have a little snippet of us meeting you. When it's up I'll send you the link. Nice meeting you!


  2. YEah!! Thanks for checking out my blog! I can't wait to see the video. I am really excited :D I had a great time meeting all of you guys at the Nerdfighter gathering! You guys are awesome!
