Monday, June 27, 2011

Get off my Chest.

I talk a lot about how awesome my trip is going to be and living in a car and everything. Truth is, it scares me a crap ton as well. I mean tons of stuff could go wrong. Like the fact that I don't have much money and don't have enough to put a down payment on a car. Or the fact that people don't think its a good idea or I can't do it or its too dangerous or something like that. I admit, it's a risk, but I think it's a good risk.
It's the kind of risk that separates the great from the ordinary, people that change the world from the people that just live in the world, the people that really live and love life from the people that are limited by their fear of the future, or of failure. Yes it's scary and unconventional but as George Bernard Shaw said “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” I agree with this statement 110 percent. I'll make mistakes, I will mess up, I won't always be safe, but isn't that the point? That your not going to be safe. Life is about adventure. Life is about the moments that take your breath away, life is about the risks you take because you care, and you love. Life is about going out there and achieving your dreams no matter what the cost. I don't care if you don't think I can achieve my dreams. I don't care if you don't believe in me. I believe in myself and nothing that anyone says is going to change that. I believe that their is a higher purpose in this trip other than just because I want to. There are personal reasons I want to go on this trip. It's not just for my personal gain (which I believe I will gain a lot from this trip) but it's for the people that I will meet, the adventures in my future, and changing the world. I think God is calling me to something big and this trip is the start I believe. I believe in a better world. I believe that anything can happen. Do you?

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