Sunday, December 30, 2012

Urbana Update!

So I am really excited to say that yesterday I received 312 hugs at the Urbana Missions Conference!! I have also been able to take part in some of the Launch Lab where I got some advice about my Free Hugs Tour project that I am working on.  I have a lot of stuff to work on getting my team together for my free hugs tour and working out all of the details of how my team and I are going to go about getting all of the necessary preparation for the tour and coming up with a plan of how the tour might actually look and other opportunities to work with others to make Free Hugs Tour 2013 the greatest experience that it could be.  As I walk around Urbana Free Hugging I am meeting a lot of really cool and interesting people that I am blessed to come into contact with.  It's really exciting and amazingly fun.  So far at the conference I have gotten 378 hugs and my goal for Urbana is to get 1000 hugs.  If you are at the Urbana conference I hope to be able to hug you soon.  :)

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