Monday, October 3, 2011

The Laundry Room.

When you go to a campground, you don’t really think much about the laundry room. At least I never have before… It’s a room you think associate with, well laundry, but today I find it’s really the place to hangout!! Well not a lot of people are really here, and they aren’t doing laundry… it’s mostly me, myself, and I, using it for writing this blog post, staying dry from the rain out of my cluttered and disorganized car, and making free hugs T-shirts with fabric paint!!What better place to let my paint dry than in the laundry room? It also has outlets for charging my electronics that are safe from the ever constant rain that is being experienced by the setting in which I am present. It’s perfect! I never thought about the laundry room as a place to “hang out”…. Until now. Now that I stop and think about it, the laundry room is a safe place to meet and find all sorts of adventures. As two strangers wait for their laundry to finish, stimulating conversations are usually had. Maybe, Sometimes, I don’t know it really has never happened to me yet but it makes me think. Come to think of it, the laundry room has a lot of characteristics in common with duct tape. It’s a room that is usually taken for granted, never really pay attention to in our daily lives, but its one of the staples that we have come to need in order to survive. Just like duct tape is such a common household item that people never really give it the credit it deserves. It’s the most common, the most taken for granted, and the most skipped over things that really are the most fascinating. As you look at the world around you its ever changing with new innovations and items that get thrown away for other newer items. What is common between laundry rooms and duct tape, is I haven’t seen anything invented could ever take their place. Hurray for the Laundry Room!!!!

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