Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Beginning of the Beginning...

Yeah, so I have not done a very good job of updating my blog on a consistent basis. I hope to change this right now. I am first going to try and post at least once per week and hopefully as I become more comfortable and posting has become a habit, I will be able to become a better writer and keep you updated better. So far here is where I am at:
Right now I am writing lots of emails and trying to secure money in order to make my plan of living in my car for a year in order to give away free hugs a reality. If you don't know about my plan to live in my car for a year I will try to explain my plan and the reasons behind it.
My Plan (as it stands right now):
Sometime in June or July of 2011 I will hopefully somehow have raised or made or figured out somehow to get a Ford Transit Connect and other necessities in order to start my year long trip of living in my car. I am trying to raise and work for and get awareness of my trip right now.
The purpose of this trip is to travel around the country, creating art from duct tape and other common items. I also plan to give away free hugs in order to spread friendly love, peace, and happiness through small act of kindness. I want to explore, meet people, learn about them and listen to their stories.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around” Leo Buscaglia
My plan is to put a down payment on a Ford Transit Connect in which I will reside for a year while I travel around the country and spread love, peace, and happiness through giving away free hugs and creating unique merchandise from duct tape. I will also be searching for artistic and creative ways of reusing waste that goes in landfills by coming up with alternative uses for those items. For example, during the time I spent volunteering for my churches electronic waste drive, I found that a lot of the junk had artistic value. The keys from the keyboards could be made into stylish purses, hardware could be erased and used in other endeavors and self-built computers. Not only will my creative solutions keep my costs down while living in a car but I would also be keeping items out of landfills. I hope that this trip will ignite a process of discovery and invention, which in turn will help create a better world.
In order to make this trip a reality however, I need your help. I will need about 34,000 dollars to make this trip a reality. Any help you could give would be appreciated, even if it is just prayer and support.
My big expenses for this trip are:
- Ford Transit Connect (about $23,000 total)
- Car insurance (estimating $2000 for the year)
- Gas ($4000 for the year)
- Food ($3600 in my budget)
- Phone + Internet (about $1500 for the year)
I hope that after this initial investment of living in my car I will be able to sustain myself through selling my duct tape creations,humorous apparel, and any other artistic endeavors that I engage in. I also hope that selling these items will help me to pay for my education after my year long trip is finished. After the trip I will attend DePaul University and double major in Business Entrepreneurship and Philosophy. From there I have no idea what will happen.
Why live in my car?
Well it started as a sense of adventure and excitement for the unknown. But as I have done research on the idea of living in a car (ie. Car Living Your Way by AJ Heim and other books and blogs) it has become more about using my resources more responsibly and not using more than I need to. Also from experiences helping people move their stuff from place to place, and the excess of stuff that they don't "need" but keep anyway and crowd houses with unnecessary clutter, Living in a car would give me an opportunity to cut down and think about if I really need something and if I buy it where I would put it. This way I would become less dependent on material things and be able to establish meaningful and deep relationships with people and listen to them while sharing what I have to offer with them. All in all that is my plan. If you have any questions or feedback or just wanna talk email me at or comment. Thank You and have a great day!
Talk to you soon!
:D avid

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