Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Muskegon Craft Fair and beyond!

I got back from my Muskegon Craft Fair a couple days ago.  I must admit that it was a huge disappointment.  I was expecting a lot more of customers and people there than there actually were.   On the good news side I have another craft fair this weekend in Greensboro North Carolina.  I am working on trying to get all of my stuff into boxes and get packed and clean out my car which is difficult when i have a lack of motivation to take the time and do that.  I know I will feel better once it happens but it takes a lot of time to work out where everything needs to go.  My plan right now is to have everything i own super organized and able to fit in my van by sometime in mid August.
This week I have not had the time to give away free hugs as I have been trying to get ready for my craft fair in Greensboro and figure out my schedule. 
I have also been watching this crazy awesome mysterious tv show called Pretty Little Liars which has taken up my precious time.  I watched the pilot episode and got super hooked because there are so many mysteries!!!! I want to know what happens!! I also have come up with some theories about how the series is going to end and stuff.  If you want to know, just ask and I will be glad to tell you my crazy theories. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DePaul Orientation!

Monday and Tuesday I had my orientation for DePaul University which I will be attending in the fall.  It was super fun and awesome!! I met a lot of interesting and cool people.  I am really looking forward to being challenged and learn more about everything mostly.  I am really excited about the social aspect and hopefully increasing my free hugging crew and breaking even with my duct tape business.  
I am packing right now to head out to a craft fair in Muskegon, Michigan.  I am going to head out tomorrow after my double header softball games from about 6-8 or so.  The craft fair is from friday at 7 am til sunday at 5 pm... Lots of time for making money from duct tape and giving away free hugs!! Hopefully something like 500+ hugs!! I won't be getting much sleep these next few days until maybe Sunday or Monday but its sure to be a turning point in my professional free hugging endeavors, good marketing and a chance to connect with others and get some feedback.  I will be sure to keep you updated with all of the awesome stuff that is going to be happening in these next few days.  Then after that I am going to try and start free hugging for at least 20 hours a week and see if I can keep that up for a few weeks and see what happens with that. 
I believe this is the start of the most interesting and real good stuff and discovering what it means to be a professional free hugger.  Stay tuned things are about to heat up and hopefully pretty fast.  Peace, love, and happiness,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mega Free Hugging coming up!!

These past few weeks I have been pretty busy free hugging, building up my duct tape stock for my craft fair in Muskegon, Michigan the 20th though the 22nd, finishing up a summer math class at DePaul, and working stripping paint at one of my friends houses to earn some money. This week and next week are going to be super busy too but I am hoping that the week of the 22nd through the 28th I can work up 20 or more hours free hugging.  I am also going to try and work on updating my free hugging schedule calendar on my website and get some more pictures up on my site. 
I am getting a lot more organized and put together so soon I will be able to free hug and spread peace love and happiness more than ever before!!! Maybe I can even get a free gift for people that I hug like something even better than my amazing professional free hugger business cards!!! Have a great day! Hope to see you soon while I am Free Hugging,

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free Hugging In my Duct Tape Tux

Today I free hugged in my Duct Tape Tux that I wore for prom.  I was pretty good for the first 10 minutes maybe and then I went and picked up my 200 brochures that I had gotten printed at FedEx but I didn't have room in my duct tape free hugs bag to put all of the brochures in it so it was hard for me to walk around and give away hugs.  I walked around and tried hugging for another 30 minutes for a grand total of 40 minutes in the duct tape tux in 94 degree heat.  I then stopped at a Starbucks and switched clothes for the train ride home.  I came to the conclusion that I need to plan out a time that is more likely sometime in the fallish where the weather isn't as hot to free hug in my tux.  In the summer I will stick with my pink skinny jeans, free hugs t-shirt and duct tape tie.  :D Or it could be sometime in summer.... just not when its this hot...Overall I got a total of 10 hugs in 40 minutes, and met about 10 people so it wasn't a bad outing it was definately a success but I need to do some work on my tux and maybe improve it or work on another tux design.  I'll let you know what happens with that when it happens.  Have a hug filled day! Till next time,