SO It's been a while since my last post. I have been doing a lot of planning and working on getting organized so here is a kinda update if you will. I will tell you about what I have been up to and about Duck Duct Dave and Free Hugs I will also try and flesh out some of my ideas for what I want to accomplish in the next couple of months.
So this past few weeks and months I have been doing a lot of organizing and trying to cut down on my physical possessions so that I can pack light and have tons of room in my car when I travel around the country and can have space to sleep. I am trying to get all of my possessions and things that I own into three 25 gallon bins although I think that is a little bit of a stretch because I am working on a duct tape canopy and that will probably take up 2 bins by itself. I am trying to get all of my duct tape products into one 25 gallon bin and so far so good.... I don't know what will happen in the future when I have more product but I will deal with that later. So far I have one empty 25 gallon bin, one is filled with all of my clothes and one is full of duct tape merchandise.
I have been trying to combine my duct tape business (Duck Duct Dave) with Free Hugs a lot more recently. I haven't sold a lot of products yet but I am confident that in the future and through free hugging I will get the financial support so that I can free hug 40+ hours per week in the future!! I have a craft fair coming up in Muskegon, Michigan July 20-22. Hopefully that will go well.
In these next upcoming weeks I hope to free hug a lot more to spread peace, love, and happiness, brightening lives one hug at a time as well as get some more people to my website and etsy account to try and increase my revenue and hopefully break even soon!! :D I also hope to get all of my duct tape ties up on etsy and make some free hugs souvenier coasters for $2. Another project is looking for more craft fairs to sell my items (if you know of any be sure to mention them to me!).
I currently am taking a summer math class at DePaul and working odd jobs in order to get more money to put into my business and tide me over until Duck Duct Dave takes off.
In other news, I free hugged yesterday and it was awesome!!! Free hugging is the greatest thing ever. I meet the most amazing and awesome people!! I got 167 hugs in 4 hours of hugging. Huggers unite!
Lots of hugs!!