I also rewrote my mission statement to include more free hugs and distinguish that my dream job is a professional free hugger traveling around the country spreading joy and happiness but I need a way to make money so I sell duct tape merchandise. I also do accept donations as you can see at the top of this page there is a donation button.... you know in case you were wondering.. Here is the new mission statement:
Duck Duct Dave
creates merchandise made of duct tape, including Free Hugs signs, coasters, and
flowers as well as accessories such as wallets, ties, hats, bags, and more as a
way to fund David's dream of becoming a “Professional Free Hugger”. The goal of
the Free Hugs campaign is to transform everyday encounters between strangers
with the knowledge that small encounters can have significant effects on
another person's life. By focusing on the seemingly insignificant experience of
a hug, we try to create positive life-changing moments. Our approach to human
interaction reflects the potential of duct tape- an unassuming, overlooked
object that can be transformed into something fantastical.
Tell me what you think! I also got my website up! I have a tally of how many free hugs I have given since I got it up. You should go check it out at www.duckductdave.com
I am working on making some free hugs coasters and mini free hugs signs, t-shirts and other free hugs memerobilia that I should get up on Etsy soon. Be looking out for that too!! Super exciting stuff and more stuff yet to come. Lots of progress but lots more to do!!