Friday, October 14, 2011


I have arrived back in Chicago after my tour of the East Coast. My route was New York City to Washington DC to Boston to Chapel Hill to Upstate New York for Camping to Nashville and now to Chicago. On Monday I plan to head out to St. Louis and Free Hug with a contact that I have met there. I have also created Free Hugs Tour posters that I can now ask to post at local coffee shops and places where I visit. It is actually really cool.
So yeah. What do you think? I think it's a cool poster. So far on my trip I think that the best part has been Boston. I was only there for a couple of days, Free Hugs Friday at Boston University which was one of the most amazing experiences ever and I also got to help out doing flowers at a Hindi wedding!! :D It was a really cool experience. Over this past month I have been able to get my car organized in a way that makes it a lot easier to live out of and comfortable. I may try and get a picture when it is a little bit more organized again. Another improvement is I have been able to sell 3 duct tape free hugs signs, a flower and a card wallet on my trip and have been able to pick up a couple of odd jobs in order to earn some money to fund more of my trip. :D Overall I think that the snowball is beginning to achieve some momentum and my business will improve steadily throughout the year. (You know best case senerio) I have also been working hard to make contacts in different cities as well as come up with a schedule of places that I will be going so that I can give people in those places fair time to prepare for my arrival. It doesn't always work out that way though because I am open to changes and the schedule is loose and can change at the drop of a hat. I have slept in my car a few times and now have a bedish setup in my car which is really cool. I leave for St. Louis on Monday and I will be there until Wednesday or Thursday. I then have an appointment in Chicago on Friday and after that appointment I will head out for Sedgwick, Kansas to visit some friends there. From there I will go to Kansas City. From Kansas City I will head out to Twin Falls, Idaho and Boise, Idaho on my way to Spokane, Washington. From Spokane I will go to Seattle and Auburn Washington and visit Oregon. After that I don't have a schedule so far. I will try and keep you all updated more frequently. Thank you all!! :D

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Laundry Room.

When you go to a campground, you don’t really think much about the laundry room. At least I never have before… It’s a room you think associate with, well laundry, but today I find it’s really the place to hangout!! Well not a lot of people are really here, and they aren’t doing laundry… it’s mostly me, myself, and I, using it for writing this blog post, staying dry from the rain out of my cluttered and disorganized car, and making free hugs T-shirts with fabric paint!!What better place to let my paint dry than in the laundry room? It also has outlets for charging my electronics that are safe from the ever constant rain that is being experienced by the setting in which I am present. It’s perfect! I never thought about the laundry room as a place to “hang out”…. Until now. Now that I stop and think about it, the laundry room is a safe place to meet and find all sorts of adventures. As two strangers wait for their laundry to finish, stimulating conversations are usually had. Maybe, Sometimes, I don’t know it really has never happened to me yet but it makes me think. Come to think of it, the laundry room has a lot of characteristics in common with duct tape. It’s a room that is usually taken for granted, never really pay attention to in our daily lives, but its one of the staples that we have come to need in order to survive. Just like duct tape is such a common household item that people never really give it the credit it deserves. It’s the most common, the most taken for granted, and the most skipped over things that really are the most fascinating. As you look at the world around you its ever changing with new innovations and items that get thrown away for other newer items. What is common between laundry rooms and duct tape, is I haven’t seen anything invented could ever take their place. Hurray for the Laundry Room!!!!