Free. what in life is free? hugs are free. hugs should be free. Are hugs dangerous? are they scary? would you give away free hugs? Hugs are a harmless act of love. they help everyone. hugs bring comfort. hmm do they bring comfort? sometimes they bring discomfort. awkwardness. the awkwardnessity of going around giving away free hugs, to strangers. strangers. the unknown. mystery. its amazing. people love it. spreading love. spreading peace. spreading happiness. it is an act of kindness. some find it awkward. some think it is sexual. it is not meant to be. not at all. some people need hugs. they need to feel the love. they need someone to care. its to show those people that we care is what free hugging is all about. care about everyone. everyone. hugging is a fair game. some look at free hugs with disgust. they disgust themselves. they see it as a sign of weakness. it is a sign of strength. free hugging. it is an art. the calculation... how will this person react? take a look at their reaction to the sign. are they amused? disgusted? delighted? unsure? sometimes open arms to greet a person is what they need. sometimes they just need to be left alone. sometimes they need hope. hope. free hugs are hope. hope for a better world. where everyone can love each other. where no one is ever left out. and everyone gets what they need. it is a small step but it can make a difference... a difference. a big difference. it changes lives. gives people hope... Free hugs (the game)... play it with your friends... good friends. see how many hugs you can get in a set amount of time. don't be too aggressive or loud though... you must keep the art sacred you must respect it for it is a sacred art. an art of balance. an art of love. an art of friendship. it is one quietly saying they are here for you. here for whatever your needs are. if you need a long lasting friendship I'm here. if you need some love i am here. if you need someone to talk to i am here. i will buy you lunch. we can talk. we can change the world together, one person at a time. one must not scare anyone away. it takes dedication. it takes skill. it takes a knowledge: of people, of reactions, of feelings. free hugs are a service. a service to the community. a service to yourself. a service to society. it is not always easy. but. it will bring change. it will start now. there will be dedicated people. who care. care about one. care about all. care about you. care about them. it will grow. it will become a revolution of love. just love. love is the goal. love and hope and joy and happiness. this is a challenge. lets make the world a better place. together.